Eric Peyret
Pau, Francia. 1964
Born in Pau in 1964, Eric Peyret is a graduate of the Higher Institute of Decorative Painting in Paris. For many years he has produced wall paintings and “trompes l’œil” abroad, particularly for hotel groups (United States, Australia, Gulf countries and Brazil). From 1998, his love of classical and contemporary architecture inspired him to turn to more personal work in which he seeks a combination of more realistic figuration and a geometric abstraction induced by the theme. He treats urban life as one might have treated the ideal city during the Renaissance, by adding humanity through colour, atmosphere and balance without necessarily having the explicit presence of people...
1985-1994: Muralist works and decorative art works. Italy, Gulf countries, Australia.
1995: Institut Superieur de Peinture Decorative de Paris, specialisation in large-scale painted frescoes.
1996-1998: Numerous murals realized in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
1998-2006: Personal Paintings
Paris: Artclub Gallery, Rue de Rivoli.
Milano, Italy: G di Song B.
Biarritz, France.
Catto Gallery, London.
Athens, Greece: The Collonial Trade.
Paris: Gmac Bastille 2004
Paris: Gmac Bastille 2005
New York: Artexpo 2006
Paris: Gmac 2006
Calvi/Marie Ricco: Galerie Marceau/Nantes
Paris Galerie Lefeuvre: 2007/2008/2009/2010
Amsterdam, Gallery Smelik and Stokking: 2010/2011
Cannes: Happy Art Gallery: 2009
Reunion Island, Galerie Australe: 2010
Beyrouth, Lebanon Gallery: 2121/2010
Galerie Mada Primavesi, Madrid
Chicago: Water Tower Sofitel
Damas: Four Seasons Hotel